Antrim and Newtownabbey Council defers axing of almost 50 jobs

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Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council has announced it is to reverse its decision to axe dozens of jobs.

On Tuesday the local authority said 73 posts were to be lost as part of an Emergency Financial Plan.

However, in a statement issued this afternoon (Thursday), a council spokesperson said it will defer the proposal to release 46 short-service staff.

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A total of 27 positions, understood to be agency workers, are still set to go.

The move comes after Minister for Communities Deirdre Hargey called on local government to work to protect workers.

An Antrim and Netownabbey Council spokesperson said: “The council needs urgent clarity about the extent to which we can make use of the government’s Job Retention/Furlough scheme and we look forward to hearing from the minister over the coming days with regards to this.

“In line with other councils, we have already requested that employment agencies furlough staff who are not essential to the operations of the council at this point in time.

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“The council is mindful of its legal responsibility to avoid insolvency and maintain an adequate level of reserves. The Local Government Finance Act (NI) 2011 states that ‘A council shall make arrangements for the proper administration of its financial affairs’.

“Given the minister’s statement, we will temporarily defer the council’s proposal to release 46 short service staff. However, until clarity is received, the council will continue to plan for the urgent action it may need to take in order to ensure that we can continue to provide essential services.

“The council will have no choice but to consider the position again in two weeks time should the matter not be resolved.

“Within this context, our urgent priority is to address our ongoing financial viability and the need to avoid insolvency, therefore the potential to reduce our current staffing levels remains under review.”


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